Monday, January 19, 2009

First Things First

Disclaimer: I am not in London yet, so don't pee your pants with the anticipation of reading about my hilarious escapades with the guards in furry hats.  They haven't happened yet, so please calm down.

For now, I have one more week in Palo Alto, during which I plan to continue sorting books at the Palo Alto Children's Theatre for 8 hours/day.  I will also probably pack.  Then I'm going to fly to Dublin, where Caitlin Odell and I will most likely jump around a lot at the school she and Oscar Wilde have both attended.  Then, finally, I will go to London where I will meet up with my host parents, Dennis and Linda.  I've already spoken with them on the phone - they sounded very BBC, which was adorable.  (Note to Self: Stop thinking of British accents as "adorable."  Soon you will be the one with the accent.)

It feels like I've been looking forward to this semester forever.  I first heard about the ILACA London program (by the way,  I might soon be spelling "program" weird, so get ready for that) when Charlotte Emigh went on it when I was a freshman.  I applied and got in by February of my sophomore year - so, almost a year ago.  Once in a while during that year I turned in some paperwork or talked about London with some of the other UPS students who are going (Colin, Jenny, Rollie, Kim, and David), but the whole time it all seemed very distant.  Now I'm really going in a week, and I have to worry about... everything involved with flying across the Atlantic, essentially alone.  Oy.

I'm not sure what else there is to be said until I am actually abroad.  I know I've promised tales of an "exotic" semester.  Admittedly, I plan to spend most of my time hanging out in pubs, going to plays, and getting geekily excited about Shakespeare, but nonetheless, I'll see what I can do to satisfy my audience.  (You're welcome.)

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, I have to tell you that I just found your blog when I was Google-ing myself.`(not something I do often, I swear) I hope you are loving ILACA and London itself. I'll be interested to hear how it goes!
